A unique island of relaxation

A unique island of relaxation

Equine renewal

Equine renewal

L’atelier de ressourcement équestre vise à offrir une expérience unique alliant bien-être, développement personnel et contact avec les chevaux.
En offrant des séances de ressourcement dans un cadre naturel, l’atelier permet aux participants de se reconnecter à eux-mêmes tout en interagissant avec les chevaux dans un environnement apaisant.

Indoor Pool and Hot tub

Indoor Pool and Hot tub

Faites saucette durant votre séjour!
Aménagée directement à l'Auberge de l'Ile, notre piscine intérieure chauffée est ouverte et disponible à tous les clients en hébergement du Baluchon.

Le Baluchon health SPA

Le Baluchon health SPA

The Health SPA offers a full range of treatments using environmentally friendly products. You can relax in perfect harmony with the natural environment.

  • Massotherapy
  • Beauty treatments
  • Body treatments
Thermal experience

Thermal experience

Summer or winter, recharge your batteries with the thermal experience at Le Baluchon.

Massage in nature

Massage in nature

For an experience unique in Quebec, choose a massage in nature! Let the sounds of the river lull you as our experienced therapists lead you to a sense of well-being.


  • Massage by the water
Yoga in nature

Yoga in nature

The session takes place in a natural setting, surrounded by lush greenery or on the banks of the magnificent Du Loup river.


We offer you a gentle session of Hatha Yoga open to all:

  • Breathing techniques
  • Muscle tone and balance
  • Practicing both dynamic and static postures
  • This class is ideal for beginners!

Registration for this activity includes FREE access to the Nordic SPA and trails for the day!

A unique estate !
A unique estate !

A unique estate !

Le Baluchon is a unique hotel establishment that offers an experience like no other: the eco-resort. Le Baluchon gives you the opportunity to discover and experience unprecedented pleasures, in a way that is respectful of the environment and land, heritage and history.

You will experience the sense of freedom arising from the indescribable feeling that this is time to call your own.